Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Narrative Poem Reading Challenge: Master Post

Right! Here's the Master Post of Narrative Poem Reading Challenge 2013. For those who are interested and are not signed up yet, please go to this post andjoin us. The more the merrier, yay!

During the year, we can discuss the poems via Twitter, with tweets tagged #NPRC13. I will post the updates via Twitter, so you can follow @museforsaken for information. Please feel free to share your thoughts and impressions on the poems.

Happy reading!

Please use the format Author - Title (Your Blog/Name) when putting your link here. e.g: Shakespeare - Venus and Adonis (Half-Filled Attic)

1. Caroline  
2. Shakespeare - Venus and Adonis (Listra@Half-filled Attic)  
3. Coleridge—Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Jim@Several four many)  
4. Solzhenitsyn -- Besed (Jean @ Howling Frog)  
5. Dante - Inferno (Fanda@Fanda Classiclit)  
6. Dante - Purgatorio (Fanda @ Fanda Classiclit)  
7. Poe - The Raven (Bzee@Bacaan B.Zee)  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Can't wait to start this, but I must wait till June to read Dante :) Thanks for hosting the event, Listra!

  2. I've put up The Prince's Progress by Christina Rossetti :)

  3. Akhirnya, setoran di akhir tahun :D
